Corporate Communities - Paid Volunteerism
Civic-mindedness has become an asset in the workplace. One of the biggest trends in the volunteer world today is corporate philanthropy. Employers show support of local and national programs through paid employee volunteerism. These corporate volunteer programs give employees a chance to volunteer during work hours. Companies that offer employee volunteer programs strive to attract, retain, and foster more committed employees. Employers overwhelmingly look favorably on job applicants who have volunteered. Including related and non-related volunteer work on a résumé can often showcase skills and reveal an openness to teamwork and a talent for innovation.
The Work Bridge Group is dedicated to helping employers, employees, and the volunteer local community connect. Our top focus is to support injured workers and their sponsoring employers in coordinating effective return-to-work programs that make sense.
Have questions about injured worker volunteering?
The best place to get real-time answers about light duty program details is your Work Bridge staff contact. Typically, the option to work off-site in a paid volunteer capacity is part of an ongoing return-to-work program for a sponsoring employer right in your own community. There are a few requirements for both injured worker volunteers and volunteer coordinators. If your organization is new to the idea of hosting paid employer-sponsored volunteers, invite them to learn more by requesting a free consult now.
What can I expect, if we agree to accept a volunteer?
The Work Bridge Group team works closely with employers, injured workers, and community service organizations to facilitate volunteer assignments that work well for everyone. Placements are made based on the physical capabilities of an injured employee and needs of the local volunteer facility. Unless otherwise discussed, all participants are cleared by their medical providers to safely work full-time (32-40 hr/week). To accept a volunteer, host facility coordinators must review, approve and return the “Task List” and select a start date. Each hour a participant reports as a volunteer they receive a full wage from their employer - a FREE donation to your organization and the community served.
Timeclock & Scheduling Support
Great News! Employees participating in paid volunteer assignments are responsible for personal time and attendance record keeping. However, they can’t successfully participate in the program unless their assigned facility is open and needing the help. When unexpected changes in volunteer schedules occur, be sure and let us know. Call 800-890-1620 or email
Improving resources and increasing accountability for post-injury employment claim efforts.