About Us


About Us

The Work Bridge Group mission is to develop programs and services that assist claims professionals, attorneys and employers in resolving Workers’ Compensation and disability claims, using return-to-work strategies. Our passion is helping to effectively integrate these strategies into complex, multi-jurisdictional claim environments. From the single high-exposure litigated case to transitional light duty programs of national scope, we strive to bring creativity and technical claim expertise to measurably improve outcome.

A team of dedicated employment researchers, strong administrative production talent and claim savvy leadership - Work Bridge Group staff are some of the best in the industry! In fact, the commitment to supporting return-to-work opportunities runs deep. Many of our own team members are injured workers who have transitioned from prior careers to diligently advocate for others. The work environment here is high-energy and flexible. Thanks to robust technology available today, job-sharing, telecommuting and advanced specialty training are a part of our everyday culture.

Read the Work Bridge Group story.

Why Choose Work Bridge Group?

  • Experience - Advocating for, researching and documenting the reemployment of injured workers is a specialized process. Compliance with unique jurisdictional and client claim handling requirements helps assure maximum impact for vocational support provided.
  • Price - Flat fee pricing includes everything. Should a placement, assessment or labor market report fail to meet our desired goal, another will be supplied or corrected at no charge.
  • Commitment - Attentive to differing goals, expectations and costs ever present in workers’ compensation claims, Work Bridge Group is unwavering in resolve to supply all parties the highest quality employability data possible.

Want to Know More?


9732 Pyramid Way, #216
Sparks, NV 89441

PHONE: 800.890.1620
FAX: 888.530.3222
E-Mail: info@wordbridgelink.com

Important Links

Personal Service

We are ready to give our personal attention to your Workers' Compensation cases.

Consultative Approach

Work Bridge has a solid track record of integrating HR services based on client-specific needs.